Spielen und Schmusen muß auch sein





z.B. mit einem "Schmuseknochen"






in diesesm Fall, "Schmuseknochen"

für den A-Wurf eines befreundeten







...... denn,

kleine Geschenke erhalten die Freundschaft






Unsere kleine Freundin "Mission Girla" aus Baltimore MD  USA, hat sich sehr über ihr Paket mit Quietscheknochen, Halstuch und kleinem Beutelchen für die "Kacktüten" und die Leckerlies, gefreut, hier sind ihre Photos.



 Mission schreibt:

I got a wonderful package in the mail today from my fuzzy German friends Retti and Fritz and their humans Ralph and Kerstin! I got some Django bones which look really yummy, and mommy says I can have one tomorrow. I got a new squeaky bone with a picture of Retti and Fritz on it! Loving my presents!!!

Been carrying around my new squeaky bone today handmade by my nice German friends! It also doubles as a comfy pillow!"








"Here is my cute bandana with Retti and Fritz's picture! It matches my squeaky bone and a little pouch to carry things on walkies that also came in my package! I think they are handmade!!! Thank you to my wonderful German friends!!!"






28. Februar 2014,

"Post" von Mission ;-)


"I love playing with my new squeaky bone! Thanks so much Kerstin for making it and to the whole family for sending it!"